Embracing Collaboration Rejecting Usurped Power. By Guest Blogger S. Kumari
"Black Women's Leadership: Embracing Collaboration Rejecting Usurped Power"
In a world where servant leadership often goes unnoticed, black women bear a significant responsibility in grasping its true essence. It's more than holding positions of authority; it's about serving with humility, empathy, and integrity. When others recognize our potential and uplift us, it's crucial to acknowledge their belief in us.
Elevation should not be taken for granted; it acknowledges our intrinsic worth and potential impact. It's about embracing our transformation journey, knowing our timing aligns with God's plan.
Despite societal biases and personal insecurities, we must resist negative narratives and enrich our own stories. True empowerment lies in embracing our identities and rejecting societal norms.
In my experience, while building a women's organization, I faced threats before an event meant to educate and empower women from various backgrounds. However, through open conversations, understanding prevailed, and it became clear that my only goal was to foster business sustainability and personal growth as an entrepreneur.
Fostering support and encouragement, rather than competition, is crucial. Mean-spirited behavior has no place in genuine empowerment.
Ultimately, servant leadership inspires and uplifts without seeking validation. As black women, our actions shape the world, contributing positively to our communities.
S. Kumari is , Chief Executive. Gigology Strategy & Solutions LLC