Public speaking can be intimidating, and this fear isn't confined to large audiences. Women leaders of color often find themselves hesitant to share their ideas, fearing they might be perceived as too ambitious, too modest, or simply off the mark.

Mastering the art of speechmaking is an essential leadership skill. A well-crafted and delivered speech is a powerful means to communicate your vision and mission. Whether addressing the Board, engaging with the media, speaking to elected officials, appealing to donors, or presenting on a TEDx stage, your posture, voice, intonation, and diction carry as much weight as your message.

Fear is the primary barrier to effective public speaking, but it can be conquered. In her first session, Joia equips her clients with a toolkit to combat their biggest foes: fear and self-doubt.

Over the next seven sessions, clients develop their talking points and transform them into compelling narratives. They refine their diction, elocution, breathing, and delivery techniques. These sessions also enhance body language skills, crucial even in virtual meetings. Clients gain confidence for diverse formats, including presentations, keynote addresses, panel discussions, and media interviews.